How to repair Fake USB flash disk with MyDiskFix ?

How to repair Fake USB flash disk with MyDiskFix ?
Download MyDiskFix utility to restore the actual size of Fake Chinese USB flash drives.MyDiskFix can help you to repair fake SD memory card .Learn how to fix fake USB flash disk

MyDiskFix utility  software

MyDiskFix is a free software that can help users to restore the real size of  fake Chinese USB flash disks or SD memory cards.When you buy a fake USB flash disk from the internet from unknown sellers especially Chinese sellers and you found that you bought a 64 GB but the actual capacity of the flash drive is 8GB only !!.

Don't worry because MyDiskFix low level format tool can determine the actual size of the fake pen drive .MyDiskFix can scan and repair the corrupted fake USB drive or memory card .

To start fix the fake USB flash disk , you need first to download h2testw software to determine and detect the actual capacity of the fake USB .You can download h2testw v1.4 from this article " How to use h2testw for testing fake usb flash drives ? " then follow the instructions below .

Succeeded Repair cases of Fake USB flash drives  with using MyDiskFix tool

Many users have success with mydiskfix tool and they fix their fake USB flash drives .Here we will show some of MyDiskFix succeeded repairing with some kind of fake flash drives and memory cards .
Please note that I'm not guarantee that MyDiskFix will fix your flash drive but you must try it because it succeeded with some and failed with others .

1- MyDiskFix succeeded to repair fake USB flash disk with VID 1221 , PID 3234  and VID 0011 , PID 7788 .

2- MyDiskFix succeeded to fix a 32 GB Samsung fake usb flash disk and converted it to it's original size 2GB with VID 058f , PID 6366 .

3- MyDiskFix succeeded to fix a 64 GB Fake Micro SD card with chip controller Alcor AU6362 - AU6375 with VID 058F , PID 6362 and the result is 8GB .

4-MyDiskFix succeeded to Format fake 64GB Samsung Micro SD-HD bought from  chinese seller on  ALiexpress website , the result was 30GB .

5-MyDiskFix succeeded to reformat fake USB Pen drive 64GB with VID ABCD , PID 1234 and Chip controller was Chipsbank with chip model CBMeneral "CBM2098E Series Chip " the result was 32GB .

6- MyDiskFix succeeded to reformat fake USB flash disk 64GB with VID 1111, PID 2222 , chip controller Micov and Chip model MW8209 / MW8219 / MXT8208, Toshiba .The result was 8 GB .

7- MyDiskFix succeeded to repair fake Chinese Anson  Micro SD card 32 GB , the result was only 8GB .

 How to fix Fake USB flash disk with MyDiskFix ?

How to fix Fake USB flash disk with MyDiskFix ?

To repair fake USB flash disks with Mydiskfix , please follow the instructions below :
  • First you need to download this software first "h2testw v1.4" from this article " How to use h2testw v1.4" .
  • Test and determine the actual capacity of your flash with h2testw then download MyDiskFix from the links below .
  • Run MyDiskFix As Administrator .
  •  The software interface will not appear in proper way especially the software commands so i make translation to the commands on English so please look to the previous picture .
  • To start repairing your fake USB flash disk , please click on Scan & Repair .
  • Wait until finish repairing.
  • Please if this software succeeded with your flash disk , leave a comment with the information of the fake flash drive .

Download MyDiskFix utility

MyDiskFix format tool

Download Info 
                                                Program Name :  MyDiskFix  
  Program Version : V2016
Program Size :152 KB
 Os : Windows XP, Vista,7,8,10
License : free 

Download Link
   Please select one server to download

MyDiskFix utility Search Items :

  • how to fix fake flash drive
  • MyDiskFix free download 
  • MyDiskFix english 
  • MyDiskFix formatter
  • MyDiskFix format tool
  • MyDiskFix low level format 
  • how to use MyDiskFix


  1. Hi tried to repair but failed :( thanks anyway

  2. It worked for me. Fixed a 2 TB fake chinese stick that was actually a 16 GB.

  3. Thanks. it does not work for 64GB fake drive though

  4. Fixed 2 fake 512GB micro SD cards to true capacity of 14.5 GB.

    Very important that you run MyDiskFix as Administrator or it will fail - I missed that step the first time I tried it.

  5. Works, kinda... h2test4 reported that my 128GB drive was actually 32GB, but when using this tool it got formatted as 875kB.
    Thanks anyway. ;)

  6. Worked but maybe not as it is supposed to. When using Rapid Expansion Scan and Scan & Repair, it found only 5% of what I know should be there even if only a part of the full 64Gb.

    Selected Low-level at left, run it again, and ended up with a 15,1Gb drive that seems very stable. I'll run with that! §:c)
