Download Alcor flashboot firmware software and repair corrupted Alcor chip controllers .Here is Alcor firmware software library ,Check your USB flash disk and download your flash drive firmware tool .
Alcor flashboot firmware Tools
Hello my friends , in this article i will gather all Alcor flashboot firmware tools that help you to fix any Alcor Micro flash drive chip controller .This library will be updated monthly, any new Alcor firmware will be added in this article to make a full guide for you .
First you must determine your USB flash drive chip controller you can do that by two ways :
- Use Chip genius to determine your USB flash disk information , you can use Chip genius software or USB Deview V2.30 utility. Please Read this article to know how to extract your flash drive information "How to repair corrupted flash disk " .
- Sometimes there are alot of Fake flash drives with fake chip controllers , in this case you must open your USB flash disk cover and look to the small chip on the flash drive circuit , see the following picture .
In All cases we must know the corrupted flash disk chip controller to find it's firmware .Just follow this guide ,i will put all Alcor flashboot firmware tools and you choose as your Alcor Model .
1- Alcor AU698x flash boot firmware
If your flash drive chip controller is Alcor with chip vendor model AU698X , X means 1,2,3,.....etc .Alcor AU698X flashboot firmware solution is "AlcorMP UFD V10.05.17 " also called "Alcor MP AU698x 100517 firmware " .You can download Alcor AU698x flash boot firmware and learn how to use this tool to repair your Alcor USB stick from the following article .

2- Alcor AU6368 flashboot firmware
Alcor AU6368 Low Level Format utility is the Perfect Alcor flashboot firmware tool .Alcor AU6368 formatter can fix any Alcor Micro flash drive that have Alcor chip controller with chip vendor part number AU6368 .Download Alcor AU6368 flash boot software from the following article .

3- Alcor Micro AU6980 flash boot firmware
Alcor Micro AU6980 flashboot firmware solution is "Alcor Micro UFD manufacture program flash " . Alcor Micro AU6980 format tool can repair and reformat corrupted Alcor chip controller with chip part number AU6980 .Download Alcor Micro AU6980 Flash boot software from the links below .

4- AlcorMP_UFD v9.08.17.02 flash boot firmware
AlcorMP_UFD v9.08.17.02 can format and repair Alcor Micro flash drives that have the following chip vendor "Alcor AU6981, AU6982, AU6983, AU6984, AU6986, AU6987, AU7640, AU3150B51, Au3150C53". Download AlcorMP_UFD v9.08.17.02 flash boot software from the next links .

5- Alcor AU6989AN-G/AU6998AN-G/SC908AN-G flash boot firmware
AlcorMP v12.12.14.00 D3/eD3 flashboot firmware tool can fix corrupted Alcor Micro USB flash disk that have the following chip vendor " Alcor AU6989AN-G/AU6998AN-G/SC908AN-G" . AlcorMP v12.12.14.00 D3/eD3 flashboot software was successfully repaired the following flash drives with the chip we mentioned before :
- PRETEC 16 GB with Alcor AU6989AN-G/AU6998AN-G/SC908AN-G .
- KINGSTON DT 101 G2 With Toshiba TC58NVG6D2GTA00 and Alcor AU6989AN-G/AU6998AN-G/SC908AN-G .

Download Alcor AU6989AN-G/AU6998AN-G/SC908AN-G flash boot software
Download Alcor Micro SD MP Flashboot utility

Download Alcor Format Tool 698x UFD MP flashboot

Download Alcor Micro SC708 flashboot tool

Download Alcor AU6998TN flashboot firmware software
Download Alcor AU6987AN flash firmware tool

Download AlcorMP V14 flashboot firmware tool

Download Alcor FC MPTool V3.05 flashboot software

FC MpTool V4.02 flashboot software is designed to format Alcor Chip controller .FC MpTool V4.02 support repairing the following Alcor Chip controller " Alcor FC8308,Alcor FC8508,Alcor FC8406,Alcor FC8708 ,Alcor Au698x , Alcor AU6981,Alcor AU6984,Alcor AU6986 ".FC MPTool provides Low level format with FAT32 file system . Download Alcor FC MpTool V4.02 flashboot firmware .

Download Alcor FC MpTool V4.02 flashboot firmware

Download AlcorMP UFD V9.05 flashboot firmware

Download Sandisk ALcor AU6989ANHL-G USB flashboot tool

Download Alcor AU6992 ,AU6985 and FC8508 flashboot firmware

Download AlcorMP AU698X flashboot firmware software

Download AlcorMP V8.12.08 flashboot firmware

Download ALcorMP AU698X RT V1.0.0.14 flashboot software

Download AlcorMP UFD V6.15 flashboot tool

Download Alcor Micro UFD V1.1 flashboot utility

Download Transcend JFv30 Flashboot formatter
6- Alcor Micro SD MP flash boot firmware
Download Alcor Micro SD MP v12.12.06 flash boot software can repair corrupted Alcor chip controllers that have the following chip part number " AU7640C, AU7640D, AU7641, AU7646, AU7648, AU7651, AU7653Y, AU7660, AU7662, AU7663, AU7665, AU7669 .

Download Alcor Micro SD MP Flashboot utility
7- Alcor Recovery flash boot tool V1.0.0.14
Alcor Recovery software V1.0.0.14 and repair any Alcor USB flash drive have the following Chip controller vendor " AU6980/6981, AU6982, AU6983, AU6984/6387, AU6986, AU6986T, AU6990, AU6998, AU6998N " .Download Alcor Recovery flashboot utility from the following download links .
Alcor MP Format Tool 698x UFD MP can format any corrupted Alcor flash controller that have the following chip part number " AU63xx,AU69xx,AU93xx Alcor AU6386, Alcor AU6389, Alcor AU6980, Alcor AU6981, Alcor AU6982,Alcor AU6983, Alcor AU6984, Alcor AU6986,Alcor AU6986T, Alcor AU6990, Alcor AU6987, Alcor AU9381, Alcor AU9386 and Alcor AU9387 "

Download Alcor Format Tool 698x UFD MP flashboot
9- Alcor Micro SC708 flashboot tool

Alcor Micro SC708 format tools allows to you to format and repair any USB stick that have the following chip controller "Alcor Micro SC708,FC8708,AU6987 and AU 6690 " .Download Alcor Micro SC708 format tool .

Download Alcor Micro SC708 flashboot tool
10 - Alcor AU6998TN flashboot software
Learn how to fix Alcor AU6998TN , Alcor AU6989TN and Alcor SC908TN chip controller .Download Alcor AU6998TN flashboot recovery tools and repair your corrupted flash disk .

Download Alcor AU6998TN flashboot firmware software
11 - Alcor AU6987AN, AU6990AN and SC708AN flashboot firmware
you have Alcor AU6987AN, AU6990AN and SC708AN flash drive and have
format problems like unrecognized flash drive , insert disk message and
write protection issues , please use the flashboot software in the following article .Download Alcor AU6987AN, AU6990AN and SC708AN flashboot firmware tools .

12- AlcorMP v14 format tool

AlcorMP V14 format tool can be used with the flash drives that have alcor controller with the following "VID = 0011 , PID = 7788 .Download AlcorMP V14 flashboot firmware tool .

Download AlcorMP V14 flashboot firmware tool
13 - Alcor FC MpTool V3.05 flashboot utility

FC MpTool V3.05 is developed to format and repair USB flash drives that have Alcor AU698x . FC MpTool V3.05 can repair alcor AU6981, AU6984 and AU6986 chip controller.FC Mp format tool will erase all data inside your corrupted flash drive while upgrading Firmware .Download Alcor FC MPTool V3.05 flashboot software .

Download Alcor FC MPTool V3.05 flashboot software
14 - Alcor FC MpTool V4.02 flashboot software

FC MpTool V4.02 flashboot software is designed to format Alcor Chip controller .FC MpTool V4.02 support repairing the following Alcor Chip controller " Alcor FC8308,Alcor FC8508,Alcor FC8406,Alcor FC8708 ,Alcor Au698x , Alcor AU6981,Alcor AU6984,Alcor AU6986 ".FC MPTool provides Low level format with FAT32 file system . Download Alcor FC MpTool V4.02 flashboot firmware .

Download Alcor FC MpTool V4.02 flashboot firmware
15 - AlcorMP UFD V9.05 for Alcor AU698X and AU3150X

AlcorMP UFD V9.05 utility is designed to format corrupted Alcor USB flash drives .AlcorMP UFD V9.05 format tool can update firmware of the following Alcor controllers "AU6981, AU6982, AU6983, AU6984, AU6986, AU7640, AU3150B51, Au3150C53 " .Download AlcorMP UFD V9.05 flashboot tool .

Download AlcorMP UFD V9.05 flashboot firmware
16 - Sandisk ALcor AU6989ANHL-G USB flashboot tool

Repair unrecognized Sandisk USB 3.0 flash drive .Download Sandisk ALcor AU6989ANHL-G USB format tool .

Download Sandisk ALcor AU6989ANHL-G USB flashboot tool
17 -Alcor AU6992,AU6985 and Alcor FC8508 flashboot firmware

Alcor Recovery Tool For UFD can fix Alcor AU6992,AU6985 and Alcor FC8508
chip controller .Download Alcor AU6992 ,AU6985 and FC8508 flashboot software .
Download Alcor AU6992 ,AU6985 and FC8508 flashboot firmware
18 -AlcorMP UFD v6.21 flashboot software

AlcorMP UFD v6.21 is designed to fix corrupted or unrecognized
Alcor USB flash drives that have format problems .AlcorMP UFD v6.21
support reformat the following alcor chip controllers :Alcor AU6981 ,Alcor AU6982 , Alcor AU6983 .AlcorMP UFD v6.21 format software can update alcor flash firmware and restore factory settings .Download AlcorMP UFD V6.21 flashboot firmware .
Download AlcorMP UFD V6.21 flashboot firmware19 -AlcorMP AU698x 120210 flashboot software

AlcorMP AU698x 120210 is designed to format and repair corrupted Alcor Chip controller that have format errors .AlcorMP AU698x 120210 recovery utility can repair the following chip vendors " Alcor AU69xx,Alcor FC8xxx and Alcor SCx08 chip controller .AlcorMP AU698x 120210 formatter software have two versions that support Low level format "FAT32" and MD version High level format "NTFS" . Download AlcorMP AU698X flashboot firmware software .

Download AlcorMP AU698X flashboot firmware software
20 -AlcorMP V8.12.08 flashboot software

AlcorMP recovery tool V8.12.08 has been designed to reformat Alcor chip controllers .AlcorMP tool is a free Alcor format software .Alcor MP V8.12.08 support formatting alcor chip controller With this Chip Series Alcor AU698X and Alcor AU3150X .AlcorMP.ini software allows you to repair and fix Alcor format errors such as Raw flash disk ,Write protected memory ,insert disk error and other format issues . AlcorMP V08.12.08 support formatting the following Flash chip controllers "Alcor AU6981, AU6982, AU6983, AU6984, AU6986, AU7640, AU3150B51, Au3150C53 .Download AlcorMP V8.12.08 flashboot firmware .

Download AlcorMP V8.12.08 flashboot firmware
21 -AlcorMP AU698x RT v1.0.0.14 L0117 flashboot software

AlcorMP AU698x RT v1.0.0.14 L0117 has been designed to format Alcor chip controller that have format errors or firmware problems .Alcor Recovery tool v1.0.0.14 build L0117 Support repairing and reformatting the following Alcor chip controllers "Alcor
6980/6981, Alcor 6982, Alcor 6983, Alcor 6984/6987,Alcor 6986,Alcor
6986T, Alcor 6990, Alcor 6990T,Alcor 6998, Alcor 6998N .Download ALcorMP AU698X RT V1.0.0.14 flashboot software .

Download ALcorMP AU698X RT V1.0.0.14 flashboot software
22 -AlcorMP UFD 6.15 flashboot firmware

AlcorMP UFD 6.15 recovery software has been designed to reformat Alcor USB flash drives . AlcorMP UFD 6.15 format software support repairing Alcor chip controllers with the following chip controllers AU6981 and AU6982 . AlcorMP_UFD 6.15 formatter can
fix Alcor format errors such as write protection error , please insert
disk error message ,Raw flash disks and other format problems .Download AlcorMP UFD V6.15 flashboot tool .

Download AlcorMP UFD V6.15 flashboot tool
23 -Alcor Micro UFD MP Flash v1.1 flashboot firmware

If you have a corrupted Alcor Micro USB stick that have Alcor Chip controller with VID =058F and PID =9381
.First you must be sure that your flash disk chip genius report have
the following information " Chip vendor "Alcor Micro " Chip vendor Model
AU69XX with VID 058F and PID 9381 .Alcor Micro UFD MP Flash v1.1 has been designed to reformat Alcor USB flash disks that have VID 058F and PID 9381.Download Alcor Micro UFD V1.1 flashboot utility .

Download Alcor Micro UFD V1.1 flashboot utility
24 -Transcend JFV30 2GB pendrive flashboot firmware

AlcorMP_AU698x_100517 format tool can format and repair corrupted Transcend JFV30 2 GB pendrive that have Alcor Chip controller with chip vendor AU698X .AlcorMP AU698x 100517 format utility can fix Alcor AU698x format errors
such as Write protection problem ,Please insert Disk error message
,Windows unable to format flash drive and other format issues .Download Transcend JFv30 Flashboot formatter .

Download Transcend JFv30 Flashboot formatter
25 - Coming Soon
We will put the latest Alcor flashboot firmware tools in this article , so wait us .To be continued .
I’ve got Virbatim Store’n'Go Pinstripe 32GB. Suddenly it hasn’t been detected on Win Xp/7. On Win7 it sounds that new divice has benn plugged via USB and that’s all – nothing happens next, on Win XP every time that pendrive is plugged the drivers are instelled, removalble storage device is showing in My computer folder but there is no posiibility to do anything with it (eg format). Double click causes error “Enter disk into drive E”
ReplyDeleteChipGenius 4.00.0201 telling this info:
Description: [E:]Mass storage device
USB(Generic USB Flash Disk)
Device Type: Mass Storage Device
Protocal Version: USB 2.00
Current Speed: High Speed
Max Current: 100mA
USB Device ID: VID = 058F PID = 1234
Device Vendor: Alcor Micro
Device Name: Mass Storage Device
Device Revision: 0001
Manufacturer: Generic
Product Model: USB Flash Disk
Product Revision: 7.76
Controller Vendor: Alcor Micro
Controller Part-Number: SC908SN/AU6989SN [E512] – F/W FF00
Flash ID code: 8964643C – Intel PF29F32B08NCMFS – 4CE/Single Channel [MLC-16K] -> Total Capacity = 32GB
Tools on web:
Possible Flash Part-Number
[1CE]PF29F64G08LCMFH x 4 pcs/Channel x 1 Channel
[2CE]PF29F16B08MCMFH x 2 pcs/Channel x 1 Channel
[4CE]PF29F32B08NCMFH x 1 pcs/Channel x 1 Channel
[1CE]PF29F64G08LCMFS x 4 pcs/Channel x 1 Channel
[2CE]PF29F16B08MCMFS x 2 pcs/Channel x 1 Channel
[4CE]PF29F32B08NCMFS x 1 pcs/Channel x 1 Channel
Flash ID mapping table
[Channel 0] [Channel 1]
8964643CA10C ——–
8964643CA10C ——–
8964643CA10C ——–
8964643CA10C ——–
——– ——–
——– ——–
——– ——–
——– ——–
I’ve downloaded AlcorMP
Software detects the pendrive but after clickin’ Start shows an error:
30500: No support flash error
Bad Block: 0/0
How to resolve this problem?
I have the same problem on everon pin drive same alcor chip and same massage on AlcorMP v15.09.15.00
Deletehave you managed to solve your problem ?
VId = AAAA PAID =8816
ReplyDeleteDescription: [I:]Périphérique de stockage de masse USB(Generic Flash Disk)
ReplyDeleteDevice Type: Mass Storage Device
Protocal Version: USB 2.00
Current Speed: High Speed
Max Current: 200mA
USB Device ID: VID = 0000 PID = 7777
Serial Number: D5509CC4
Device Vendor: Generic
Device Name: Mass Storage
Device Revision: 0100
Manufacturer: Generic
Product Model: Flash Disk
Product Revision: 8.00
Controller Vendor: Alcor Micro
Controller Part-Number: Unknown [F500] - F/W FDA6
Flash ID code: 454C98A3 - SanDisk - 1CE/Single Channel [TLC] -> Total Capacity = 16GB
Tools on web: http://dl.mydigit.net/special/up/alcor.html
Possible Flash Part-Number
Flash ID mapping table
[Channel 0] [Channel 1]
454C98A37651 --------
-------- --------
-------- --------
-------- --------
-------- --------
-------- --------
-------- --------
-------- --------
Description: [G:]USB Mass Storage Device(Generic USB Flash Disk)
ReplyDeleteDevice Type: Mass Storage Device
Protocal Version: USB 2.00
Current Speed: High Speed
Max Current: 100mA
USB Device ID: VID = 058F PID = 1234
Device Vendor: Alcor Micro
Device Name: Mass Storage Device
Device Revision: 0001
Manufacturer: Generic
Product Model: USB Flash Disk
Product Revision: 7.76
Controller Vendor: Alcor Micro
Controller Part-Number: SC908SN/AU6989SN [E512] - F/W FF00
Flash ID code: 8984643C - Intel PF29F64B08NCMFS - 4CE/Single Channel [MLC-16K] -> Total Capacity = 64GB
Tools on web: http://dl.mydigit.net/special/up/alcor.html
Possible Flash Part-Number
[1CE]PF29F16B08LCMF1/2/3/S x 4 pcs/Channel x 1 Channel
[2CE]PF29F32B08MCMF1/2/3/S x 2 pcs/Channel x 1 Channel
[4CE]PF29F64B08NCMF1/2/3/S x 1 pcs/Channel x 1 Channel
[1CE]PF29F16B08LCMFS x 4 pcs/Channel x 1 Channel
[2CE]PF29F32B08MCMFS x 2 pcs/Channel x 1 Channel
[4CE]PF29F64B08NCMFS x 1 pcs/Channel x 1 Channel
Flash ID mapping table
[Channel 0] [Channel 1]
8984643CA500 --------
8984643CA500 --------
8984643CA500 --------
8984643CA500 --------
-------- --------
-------- --------
-------- --------
-------- --------
help me please
Description: [G:]USB Mass Storage Device(Generic USB Flash Disk)
ReplyDeleteDevice Type: Mass Storage Device
Protocal Version: USB 2.00
Current Speed: High Speed
Max Current: 100mA
USB Device ID: VID = 058F PID = 1234
Device Vendor: Alcor Micro
Device Name: Mass Storage Device
Device Revision: 0001
Manufacturer: Generic
Product Model: USB Flash Disk
Product Revision: 7.76
Chip Vendor: Alcor Micro
Chip Part-Number: Unknown(??) - 0xEC05 - F/W FF00
Flash ID Code: ADDE14A7 - Hynix - 1CE/Single Channel [MLC] -> Total Capacity = 8GB
Tools on web: http://dl.mydigit.net/special/up/alcor.html
help me please
alcor au6366/au6371
ReplyDeleteLike plese send
Description: [D:]Dispositif de stockage de masse USB(Generic USB Flash Disk)
ReplyDeleteDevice Type: Mass Storage Device
Protocal Version: USB 2.00
Current Speed: High Speed
Max Current: 100mA
USB Device ID: VID = 058F PID = 1234
Device Vendor: Alcor Micro
Device Name: Mass Storage Device
Device Revision: 0001
Manufacturer: Generic
Product Model: USB Flash Disk
Product Revision: 7.76
Controller Vendor: Alcor Micro
Controller Part-Number: SC908AN/AU6989AN [E603] - F/W 9A73
Flash ID code: 2C68044AA900 - Micron MT29F32G08CBACA - 1CE/Single Channel [MLC-4K] -> Total Capacity = 4GB
Description: [D:]Dispositivo de almacenamiento USB(Generic USB Flash Disk)
ReplyDeleteDevice Type: Mass Storage Device
Protocal Version: USB 2.00
Current Speed: Full Speed
Max Current: 100mA
USB Device ID: VID = 058F PID = 1234
Device Vendor: Alcor Micro
Device Name: Mass Storage Device
Device Revision: 0001
Manufacturer: Generic
Product Model: USB Flash Disk
Product Revision: 7.76
Controller Vendor: Alcor Micro
Controller Part-Number: AU6989SN-GT [EC05] - F/W FF00
Flash ID code: 45DE94937657 - SanDisk SDTNRGAMA-008G - 1CE/Single Channel [MLC-16K] -> Total Capacity = 8GB
Tools on web: http://dl.mydigit.net/special/up/alcor.html
Possible Flash Part-Number
[1CE]SDTNQGAMA-008G x 1 pcs/Channel x 1 Channel
[1CE]SDTNRGAMA-008G x 1 pcs/Channel x 1 Channel
Flash ID mapping table
[Channel 0] [Channel 1]
45DE94937657 --------
-------- --------
-------- --------
-------- --------
-------- --------
-------- --------
-------- --------
-------- --------
Description: [D:]USB Mass Storage Device(Generic USB Flash Disk)
ReplyDeleteDevice Type: Mass Storage Device
Protocal Version: USB 2.00
Current Speed: High Speed
Max Current: 100mA
USB Device ID: VID = 058F PID = 1234
Device Vendor: Alcor Micro
Device Name: Mass Storage Device
Device Revision: 0001
Manufacturer: Generic
Product Model: USB Flash Disk
Product Revision: 7.76
Controller Vendor: Alcor Micro
Controller Part-Number: SC908SN/AU6989SN [E512] - F/W FF00
Flash ID code: 98E794327655 - KIOXIA TH58NVG6D2FLA49 - 2CE/Single Channel [MLC-8K] -> Total Capacity = 8GB
is not found
I've looked around but haven't found anything for this:
ReplyDeleteDescription: [E:]Alcorlink USB 2.0 Card Reader(Multiple Card Reader)
Device Type: Mass Storage Device
Protocol Version: USB 2.01
Current Speed: High Speed
Max Current: 100mA
USB Device ID: VID=058F PID=6366
Serial Number: 058F63666485
Device Vendor: Generic
Device Name: Flash Card Reader/Writer
Device Revision: 0100
Manufacturer: Multiple
Product Model: Card Reader
Product Revision: 1.00
Controller Vendor: Alcor
Controller Part Number: AU6366/AU6371