Phison PS2251-03 ,PS2303,UP303 and Toshiba TC58NC2303G5T format tool

Phison PS2251-03 ,PS2303,UP303 and Toshiba TC58NC2303G5T format tool

Learn how to format Phison PS2251-03 with Phison PS2251-03 USB format tool .You can format Phison PS2251-03 ,PS2303,UP303 and Toshiba TC58NC2303G5T chip controllers .Download Phison PS2251-03 Recovery tool now .

Phison PS2251-03 ,PS2303,UP303 and Toshiba TC58NC2303G5T format tool

Hello My friends , we will explain how to repair Phison PS2251-03 ,PS2303,UP303 and Toshiba TC58NC2303G5T USB flash drives .If you have a corrupted Phison PS2251-03 and you need it's firmware to fix it , here is the solution .I gather to you all possible Phison PS2251-03 Firmware and format tools .Phison PS2251-03 Recovery tool allow you to format Phison PS2251-03 ,PS2303,UP303 and Toshiba TC58NC2303G5T chip controllers .First you must use Chip Genius software to determine your flash information ,and if your flash drive chip controller is Phison PS2251-03 , you can use this software .

Phison PS2251-03 Chip Genius Report 

Description: [E:]USB Mass Storage Device(2303 PRAM)
Device Type: Mass Storage Device
Protocal Version: USB 2.00
Current Speed: High Speed
Max Current: 100mA
USB Device ID: VID = 13FE PID = 5200
Device Vendor: Phison
Device Name: 2303 Boot ROM
Device Revision: 0110
Product Model: 2303 PRAM
Product Revision: 1.00
Chip Vendor: Phison
Chip Part-Number: PS2251-03(PS2303) - F/W 01.01.10 [2012-04-09]
Flash ID Code: 98D78493 - Toshiba [MLC]

How to Format Phison PS2251-03 chip controller ?

Phison PS2251-03 ,PS2303,UP303 and Toshiba TC58NC2303G5T format toolPhison PS2251-03 ,PS2303,UP303 and Toshiba TC58NC2303G5T format tool

  1. Insert your Phison PS2251-03 or PS2303 or UP303 or Toshiba TC58NC2303G5T USB Thumb Drives to your PC .
  2. Download Phison PS2251-03 Recovery tools from the download links in the end of this article .
  3. There are 7 software of Phison PS2251-03 Recovery Tools that you can use .
  4. Use one software , then if not work will use the next one because all of this software is concerned with Phison PS2251-03 Firmware .
  5. Click Start to begin updating Phison PS2251-03 Firmware .
  6. Wait until finish formatting .
  7. If this software doesn't work with you , please leave a comment with your flash chip genius report.
  8. Also Please read this article "How to repair usb flash drive in three steps " .

Now Download Phison PS2251-03 Recovery tools

Download Phison PS2251-03 Format Tools

Phison PS2251-03 Format tool

Phison PS2251-03 format tool download 
Download Software From Mediafire Server


  1. hi Ashraf,

    Can you hel me pls?
    I've tried all sofftware from the package, but no one is worked.

    Description: [G:]USB háttértár(2303 PRAM)
    Device Type: Mass Storage Device

    Protocal Version: USB 3.00
    Current Speed: Super Speed
    Max Current: 96mA

    USB Device ID: VID = 13FE PID = 5200

    Device Vendor: Phison
    Device Name: 2303 Boot ROM
    Device Revision: 0110

    Product Model: 2303 PRAM
    Product Revision: 1.00

    Chip Vendor: Phison
    Chip Part-Number: PS2251-03(PS2303) - F/W 01.01.10 [2012-04-09]
    Flash ID Code: 98DE9892 - Toshiba [TLC]

  2. oh, and i forgot: It's a Datatraveller 100 G3 8gb

  3. Hi,

    No one of the software works for me too. The start button stey grey. I have configured as well as can do the software with all information i can enter with chip genuis but it doesn't work.

    For Information, I'm french. Sorry if i do some errors in english.

    Description: [K:]Périphérique de stockage de masse USB(SanDisk SanDisk Ultra)
    Device Type: Mass Storage Device

    Protocal Version: USB 3.00
    Current Speed: Super Speed
    Max Current: 504mA

    USB Device ID: VID = 0781 PID = 5581
    Serial Number: A200388685063359

    Device Vendor: SanDisk
    Device Name: SanDisk Ultra
    Device Revision: 0110

    Manufacturer: SanDisk
    Product Model: SanDisk Ultra
    Product Revision: PMAP

    Chip Vendor: Phison
    Chip Part-Number: PS2251-03(PS2303) - F/W 01.08.53 [2013-07-16]
    Flash ID code: 453CA992 - SanDisk [TLC]

    Tools on web:

    Diskpart result
    DISKPART> sel dis 1

    Le disque 1 est maintenant le disque sélectionné.

    DISKPART> lis dis

    N° disque Statut Taille Libre Dyn GPT
    --------- ------------- ------- ------- --- ---
    Disque 0 En ligne 698 G octets 0 octets
    * Disque 1 En ligne 28 G octets 0 octets

    DISKPART> det dis

    SanDisk SanDisk Ultra USB Device
    ID du disque : 4B87B972
    Type : USB
    État : En ligne
    Chemin : 0
    Cible : 0
    ID LUN : 0
    Chemin d'accès de l'emplacement : UNAVAILABLE
    État en lecture seule actuel : Oui
    Lecture seule : Non
    Disque de démarrage : Non
    Disque de fichiers d'échange : Non
    Disque de fichiers de mise en veille prolongée : Non
    Disque de fichiers de vidage sur incident : Non
    Disque en cluster : Non

    N° volume Ltr Nom Fs Type Taille Statut Info
    ---------- --- ----------- ----- ---------- ------- --------- --------
    Volume 6 K SANDISK32GO FAT32 Amovible 28 G Sain


    The clean command or the attributes disk clear readonly don't work too


    Les attributs de disque ont été effacés correctement.

    DISKPART> att dis
    État en lecture seule actuel : Oui
    Lecture seule : Non
    Disque de démarrage : Non
    Disque de fichiers d'échange : Non
    Disque de fichiers de mise en veille prolongée : Non
    Disque de fichiers de vidage sur incident : Non
    Disque en cluster : Non


    Thanks for your help,

  4. Please, help on this! the apps listed here don't work for me:

    Description: [H:]USB Mass Storage Device(2303 PRAM)
    Device Type: Mass Storage Device

    Protocal Version: USB 2.00
    Current Speed: High Speed
    Max Current: 100mA

    USB Device ID: VID = 13FE PID = 5200

    Device Vendor: Phison
    Device Name: 2303 Boot ROM
    Device Revision: 0110

    Product Model: 2303 PRAM
    Product Revision: 1.00

    Chip Vendor: Phison
    Chip Part-Number: PS2251-03(PS2303) - F/W 01.01.10 [2012-04-09]
    Flash ID Code: 98D78493 - Toshiba [MLC]

  5. First you must be polite when u r comment here , second you don't know how to download this not means that the links is stupid !!
    for the first server click skip ad to go to your download

    1. Download from Mediafire Server after Download picture

  6. Hi, tank you for your good work.
    maybe they are stupid questions but I have to be sure.
    If I format I lose my data?
    is independent of the memory driven ?
    It is good for: PS2251-03-V?

    1. No problem my friend , yes u will lose all data inside because we will update firmware of flash drive this means a full format and maybe if u do that , ur files will be not recovered again

  7. Hi Ashraaf,

    I tried to update the firmware of my PS2251-03(Toshiba 8GB USB-Key), but it didn't work out. Now the USB-Key is not being detected. Do you know if it's possible to restore it again? Or do I have to shorten the pins to make it be detected again? Thank you!



  8. Hi all,
    I have problem with two flash drive...:(
    All of them are with chips Phison 2251-50/30. I used UP19 software for format, but until that time, flash drive is death... If I connect flash drive into USB port, flash not work...:(
    Is some possibilities, how to reset some pins on PS2251-50/30 chip to recovery it?

    Please, give me some advice...:)

    Thank you, best regards,

  9. Download link did not work

    1. use this one >>>

  10. Still don't work for me, click on start and nothing happens :(

    Protocal Version: USB 2.00
    Current Speed: High Speed
    Max Current: 100mA

    USB Device ID: VID = 13FE PID = 5200

    Device Vendor: Phison
    Device Name: 2303 Boot ROM
    Device Revision: 0110

    Product Model: 2303 PRAM
    Product Revision: 1.00

    Chip Vendor: Phison
    Chip Part-Number: PS2251-03(PS2303) - F/W 01.01.10 [2012-04-09]
    Flash ID Code: 98DE9493 - Toshiba [MLC]

    You have any idea?

  11. After this test, now my usb pen is no longer detected by both WINXP, WIN7 and Fedora. What could I do?

    Kingston DataTraveler 100 G3 32 GB
    VID 0951 PID 1666 ICVersion 2251-03
    FWVersion 01.07.53 FWDate 2013-06-07
    Flash Vendor Toshiba Flash Type TLC MP Ver. MPALL v.3.27.0A

    Please help

    1. Maybe I have used a wrong flash file. Could I do anything now?

      Thanks in advance


  12. Protocal Version: USB 2.00
    Current Speed: High Speed
    Max Current: 100mA

    USB Device ID: VID = 13FE PID = 5200

    Device Vendor: Phison
    Device Name: 2303 Boot ROM
    Device Revision: 0110

    Product Model: 2303 PRAM
    Product Revision: 1.00

    Chip Vendor: Phison
    Chip Part-Number: PS2251-03(PS2303) - F/W 01.01.10 [2012-04-09]
    Flash ID Code: 2C64444B - Micron [MLC]

    Tools on web:

  13. hola a todos los internautas del lado hispano!!!
    hi to all Internet users Hispanic !!!

    resulta que los nuestros amigos rusos son muy inteligentes, igual que los chinos, pues dan por hecho que uno sabe todo sobre flash usb
    is that our Russian friends are very intelligent, like the Chinese, because they assume that you know all about flash usb

    solo les comento que nos falta conseguir los ISO del firmware de sus USBs.. los consiguen con su "Flash ID Code: " y con su "VID = 13FE PID = 5200" y el "Chip Part-Number:" te dejara hacer el flash correctamente. pero insisto, nos faltan los ISO o ROM o BIN.
    normalmnte tienen estos nombres FW61FF01V30510M.BIN, BN61V106M.BIN etc....
    just tell them that we need to get the ISO firmware of their USBs .. they get their "Flash ID Code" and its "VID = 13FE PID = 5200" and "Chip Part-Number: 'I let you make flash correctly. but again, the ROM or ISO or BIN we lack.
    normalmnte have these names FW61FF01V30510M.BIN, BN61V106M.BIN etc ....
    Пожалуйста, друзья помогают нам найти эти прошивки так дорого

  14. Hi Assraf
    My drive is complaning its write protected. The information i got from chip genius is

    Description: [H:]USB Mass Storage Device(Kingston DT Rubber 3.0)
    Device Type: Mass Storage Device

    Protocal Version: USB 3.00
    Current Speed: High Speed
    Max Current: 126mA

    USB Device ID: VID = 0951 PID = 168E
    Serial Number: 60A44C425553BE30621606BC

    Device Vendor: Kingston
    Device Name: DT Rubber 3.0
    Device Revision: 0100

    Manufacturer: Kingston
    Product Model: DT Rubber 3.0
    Product Revision: PMAP

    Chip Vendor: Phison
    Chip Part-Number: PS2251-03(PS2303) - F/W 01.08.10 [2013-06-10]
    Flash ID Code: 98DE8493 - Toshiba [MLC]

    Which Phison format tool should I use? Any help will be appreciated

  15. download phison mpall 3.72.b

    use firmware file 1.08.10 for mlc (fw03v1.08.10m.bin)
    use 1.09.53 for tlc


  17. help me

    Protocal Version: USB 3.00
    Current Speed: Super Speed
    Max Current: 504mA

    USB Device ID: VID = 1B1C PID = 1A06
    Serial Number: 070837FEB19F1E62

    Device Vendor: Corsair
    Device Name: silicon-power
    Device Revision: 0110

    Manufacturer: Corsair
    Product Model: silicon-power
    Product Revision: PMAP

    Controller Vendor: Phison
    Controller Part-Number: PS2251-03(PS2303) - F/W 01.07.53 [2013-06-07]
    Flash ID code: 983CA992 - Toshiba TH58NVG9T2JTA20 [TLC-8K]

    Tools on web:

    Possible Flash Part-Number

    Flash ID mapping table
    [Channel 0] [Channel 1]

  18. Hi,
    My problem is complicated.
    I have Kingston Data Traveler 100 G3 32GB.
    When I had problems with it, I found application to format it. But it was for Silicon-Power drives.
    Now it is still read only and I can't turn it off. I tried to use Diskpart in console and doesn't work, I tried to modify system register too.
    Now my drive is seen in system as silicon-power with silicon-power VID.
    Chip on PCB is Phison PS2251-03-V.
    Is there any possibility to turn back my drive to its factory settings? Is there any hope for me?

    Please help me if you can.

  19. I guys , i have Datatraveler Kingston 111 8GB
    Device Vendor: Phison
    Device Name: 2303 Boot ROM
    Device Revision: 0110

    Product Model: 2303 PRAM
    Product Revision: 1.00

    Chip Vendor: Phison
    Chip Part-Number: PS2251-03(PS2303) - F/W 01.01.10 [2012-04-09]

    Which Phison format tool should I use? Any help will be appreciated

  20. My pendrive is one 8GB - Patriot - Express USB 3.0

    Description: [D:]USB Mass Storage Device(2303 PRAM)
    Device Type: Mass Storage Device

    Protocal Version: USB 3.00
    Current Speed: High Speed
    Max Current: 96mA

    USB Device ID: VID = 13FE PID = 5200

    Device Vendor: Phison
    Device Name: 2303 Boot ROM
    Device Revision: 0110

    Product Model: 2303 PRAM
    Product Revision: 1.00

    Controller Vendor: Phison
    Controller Part-Number: PS2251-03(PS2303) - F/W 01.01.10 [2012-04-09]

    Tools on web:

    My pendrive in bootmode hardware, is hide in windows letter D:
    C:\Bad_USB\Psychson\tools>DriveCom.exe /drive=D /action=GetInfo
    Action specified: GetInfo
    Gathering information...
    Reported chip type: 2303
    Reported chip ID: 00-00-00-00-00-00
    Reported firmware version: 1.01.10
    Mode: BootMode

    C:\Bad_USB\Psychson\tools>DriveCom.exe /drive=D /action=SendExecutable /burner=c:\Bad_USB\Burner_Image\BN03V104M.BIN
    Action specified: SendExecutable

    C:\Bad_USB\Psychson\tools>DriveCom.exe /drive=D /action=GetInfo
    Action specified: GetInfo
    Gathering information...
    Reported chip type: 2302
    Reported chip ID: 00-00-00-00-00-00
    Reported firmware version: 1.01.10
    Mode: Burner

    C:\Bad_USB\Psychson\tools>DriveCom.exe /drive=D /action=SendFirmware /burner=c:\Bad_USB\Burner_Image\BN03V104M.BIN /firmware=c:\Bad_USB\Psychson\firmware\bin\fw.bin
    Action specified: SendFirmware
    Gathering information...
    Reported chip type: 2302
    Reported chip ID: 00-00-00-00-00-00
    Reported firmware version: 1.01.10
    Mode: Burner
    Sending firmware...
    FATAL: System.InvalidOperationException: Header not accepted
    em DriveCom.PhisonDevice.TransferFile(Byte[] data, Byte header, Byte body) na C:\Bad_USB\Psychson\DriveCom\DriveCom\PhisonDevice.cs:linha 256
    em DriveCom.Startup._RunFirmware(String fileName) na C:\Bad_USB\Psychson\DriveCom\DriveCom\Startup.cs:linha 427
    em DriveCom.Startup._SendFirmware() na C:\Bad_USB\Psychson\DriveCom\DriveCom\Startup.cs:linha 378
    em DriveCom.Startup.Main(String[] args) na C:\Bad_USB\Psychson\DriveCom\DriveCom\Startup.cs:linha 114


    I am using Phison MPALL vXXXXXX and error red
    Driver: D: Mode 255
    Flash No Support 0001[0 0 0 0 0 0 0]

    Any help me?

  21. dear Guilherme Teodoro your flash have a hardware problem

    flash id 00
    you must resolder nand and controller pin

    after install nand you must see
    GFlash ID code: 98DE9482 - Toshiba TC58NVG6D2GTA00 [MLC-8K]

    Description: [H:]USB Mass Storage Device(Parlag RAMPAGE 32GB)
    Device Type: Mass Storage Device

    Protocal Version: USB 2.10 <- Hint: This device can run faster when plugged to a USB3.0 port
    Current Speed: High Speed
    Max Current: 300mA

    USB Device ID: VID = 13FE PID = 5200
    Serial Number: 90006C24D18ABA05

    Device Vendor: Parlag
    Device Name: RAMPAGE 32GB
    Device Revision: 0100

    Manufacturer: Parlag
    Product Model: RAMPAGE 32GB
    Product Revision: PMAP

    Controller Vendor: Phison
    Controller Part-Number: PS2251-03(PS2303) - F/W 01.08.10 [2013-07-19]
    Flash ID code: 98DE9482 - Toshiba TC58NVG6D2GTA00 [MLC-8K]

    Tools on web:

    Possible Flash Part-Number

    Flash ID mapping table
    [Channel 0] [Channel 1]

  22. Hello I have not done what I did. Can you help me?

    What should I do in turn. You can tell me step by step.

    ccıd interface string : ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ
    The flash disk looks like this.

    Description: [F:]USB Yığın Depolama Aygıtı(2303 PRAM)
    Device Type: Mass Storage Device

    Protocal Version: USB 2.00
    Current Speed: High Speed
    Max Current: 100mA

    USB Device ID: VID = 13FE PID = 5200

    Device Vendor: Phison
    Device Name: 2303 Boot ROM
    Device Revision: 0110

    Product Model: 2303 PRAM
    Product Revision: 1.00

    Chip Vendor: Phison
    Chip Part-Number: PS2251-03(PS2303) - F/W 01.01.10 [2012-04-09]
    Flash ID Code: 9044A092

  23. There is no fault of media.

  24. Hi guys,

    how to fix write protect on my flash drive below, please:

    Protocal Version: USB 2.10 <- Hint: This is a USB3.0 device working at USB2.0 mode
    Current Speed: High Speed
    Max Current: 100mA

    USB Device ID: VID = 0930 PID = 6545
    Serial Number: 60A44C429BA6ED7080004C5C

    Device Vendor: Phison
    Device Name: 2303 Boot ROM
    Device Revision: 0110

    Manufacturer: TOSHIBA
    Product Model: TransMemory-Mx
    Product Revision: PMAP

    Chip Vendor: Phison
    Chip Part-Number: PS2251-03(PS2303) - F/W 01.01.10 [2012-04-09]
    Flash ID Code: 983AA892 - Toshiba [TLC]

  25. Hi all,

    I have write protected flash drive below.
    How to fix this?
    Protocal Version: USB 2.10 <- Hint: This is a USB3.0 device working at USB2.0 mode
    Current Speed: High Speed
    Max Current: 100mA

    USB Device ID: VID = 0930 PID = 6545
    Serial Number: 60A44C429BA6ED7080004C5C

    Device Vendor: Phison
    Device Name: 2303 Boot ROM
    Device Revision: 0110

    Manufacturer: TOSHIBA
    Product Model: TransMemory-Mx
    Product Revision: PMAP

    Chip Vendor: Phison
    Chip Part-Number: PS2251-03(PS2303) - F/W 01.01.10 [2012-04-09]
    Flash ID Code: 983AA892 - Toshiba [TLC]

  26. Description: [D:]USB Mass Storage Device(Kingston DataTraveler 3.0)
    Device Type: Mass Storage Device

    Protocal Version: USB 2.10 <- Hint: This device can run faster when plugged to a USB3.0 port
    Current Speed: High Speed
    Max Current: 300mA

    USB Device ID: VID = 0951 PID = 1666
    Serial Number: 60A44C3FACDCBDA0F9773190

    Device Vendor: Kingston
    Device Name: DataTraveler 3.0
    Device Revision: 0110

    Manufacturer: Kingston
    Product Model: DataTraveler 3.0
    Product Revision: PMAP

    Controller Vendor: Phison
    Controller Part-Number: PS2251-03(PS2303) - F/W 01.07.53 [2013-06-07]
    Flash ID code: 983AA892 - Toshiba TC58NVG7T2JTA00 [TLC-8K]

    Tools on web:

    Possible Flash Part-Number

    Flash ID mapping table
    [Channel 0] [Channel 1]

  27. Description: [D:]USB Mass Storage Device(Kingston DataTraveler 3.0)
    Device Type: Mass Storage Device

    Protocal Version: USB 2.10 <- Hint: This device can run faster when plugged to a USB3.0 port
    Current Speed: High Speed
    Max Current: 300mA

    USB Device ID: VID = 0951 PID = 1666
    Serial Number: 60A44C3FACDCBDA0F9773190

    Device Vendor: Kingston
    Device Name: DataTraveler 3.0
    Device Revision: 0110

    Manufacturer: Kingston
    Product Model: DataTraveler 3.0
    Product Revision: PMAP

    Controller Vendor: Phison
    Controller Part-Number: PS2251-03(PS2303) - F/W 01.07.53 [2013-06-07]
    Flash ID code: 983AA892 - Toshiba TC58NVG7T2JTA00 [TLC-8K]

    Tools on web:

    Possible Flash Part-Number

    Flash ID mapping table
    [Channel 0] [Channel 1]

  28. Description: [E:]USB Mass Storage Device(TOSHIBA MSFT NORB)
    Device Type: Mass Storage Device

    Protocal Version: USB 3.00
    Current Speed: High Speed
    Max Current: 504mA

    USB Device ID: VID = 0930 PID = 1400
    Serial Number: 07086374171C4C57

    Device Vendor: TOSHIBA
    Device Name: MSFT NORB
    Device Revision: 0110

    Manufacturer: TOSHIBA
    Product Model: MSFT NORB
    Product Revision: PMAP

    Controller Vendor: Phison
    Controller Part-Number: PS2251-03(PS2303) - F/W 05.01.55 [2015-10-15]
    Flash ID code: 983A98A3 - Toshiba [TLC]

  29. Please help on
    Description: [E:]USB Mass Storage Device(TOSHIBA TOSHIBA USB DRV)
    Device Type: Mass Storage Device

    Protocal Version: USB 3.00
    Current Speed: High Speed
    Max Current: 504mA

    USB Device ID: VID = 0930 PID = 1400
    Serial Number: 0708625E1B1C4C99

    Device Vendor: TOSHIBA
    Device Name: TOSHIBA USB DRV
    Device Revision: 0100

    Manufacturer: TOSHIBA
    Product Model: TOSHIBA USB DRV
    Product Revision: PMAP

    Controller Vendor: Phison
    Controller Part-Number: PS2251-03(PS2303) - F/W 05.01.10 [2015-07-15]
    Flash ID code: 983A9593 - Toshiba TH58NVG7DDJA00 [MLC-16K]

    Tools on web:

    Possible Flash Part-Number

    Flash ID mapping table
    [Channel 0] [Channel 1]
    :) Thanks a lot!

  30. Please HELP
    Description: Urządzenie pamięci masowej USB(2303 PRAM)
    Device Type: Mass Storage Device

    Protocal Version: USB 2.00
    Current Speed: High Speed
    Max Current: 100mA

    USB Device ID: VID = 13FE PID = 5200

    Device Vendor: Phison
    Device Name: 2303 Boot ROM
    Device Revision: 0110

    Product Model: 2303 PRAM
    Product Revision: 1.00

    Controller Vendor: Phison
    Controller Part-Number: PS2251-03(PS2303) - F/W 01.01.10 [2012-04-09]
    Flash ID code: 98DE98D7 - Toshiba [TLC]

    Tools on web:

  31. Description: [J:]USB Mass Storage Device(2268 PRAM)
    Device Type: Mass Storage Device

    Protocal Version: USB 2.00
    Current Speed: High Speed
    Max Current: 50mA

    USB Device ID: VID = 13FE PID = 3E00

    Device Name: 2268 PRAM
    Device Revision: 0110

    Product Model: 2268 PRAM
    Product Revision: 1.00

    Controller Vendor: Phison
    Controller Part-Number: PS2251-68(PS2268) - F/W 01.00.10 [2013-02-04]
    Flash ID code: 983A98A37651 - Toshiba TC58TEG7THLTA00 [TLC-16K]

    Tools on web:

    Possible Flash Part-Number

    Flash ID mapping table
    [Channel 0] [Channel 1]
