The best software to format Phison PS2251-50 or Phison UP19

The best software to format Phison PS2251-50 or Phison UP19

Do you have a Corrupted USB flash drive that have phison PS2251-50 Chip vendor .Download the best software to repair any Phison PS2251-50 Flash drives , it's free.

The best software to format Phison PS2251-50 or Phison UP19

Hello My friends , Today i bring a very special software solutions for very complicated Flash Drive Chip controller ,it's Phison PS2251-50 or UP19 chip vendor .I know you try hundred of software and you are bored now because no software can repair this controller .The Phison PS2251-50 ot Phison UP19 software can repair a Corrupted USB flash drives that have the following problems :

  1. Flash Drive is not Recognized by your computer .
  2. Write protected memory card message .
  3. Flash drive capacity is less than the actual volume may be 8MB or 15 MB .
  4. Please insert disk message 
  5. Can't format or copy or delete any thing from your USB stick .

Phison PS2251-50 or Phison UP19 Flash Extractor  Report 

Logical drive : H:\ Capacity: 7.4G
Device ID : VID = 0951 PID = 1653
Device SN : 001CC0EC32C7BB51E711002B
Device version : PMAP
Device vendor : Kingston
Device model : DT 100 G2
Protocol : USB2.0
Max power : 200mA
Partition type : FAT32 Device active : OK
Aligned state : Misaligned
Controller : Phison
Controller model: PS2251-50
Flash Vendor : Micron, Type: MLC, Process: 25nm, Page: 8K
Flash ID : 2C88044B Flash Part: MT29F64G08CBAAA
Score : 54 (Normal Score >= 30)
Firmware : 03.01.10 FW Date: 2010.04.20

The best software to format Phison PS2251-50 or Phison UP19 Solutions

The best software to format Phison PS2251-50 or Phison UP19The best software to format Phison PS2251-50 or Phison UP19

To repair and update Phison PS2251-50 or Phison UP19 firmware , we will use two software :

  1. Kingston Format Utility v 1.0.30 : Use this software first , if not work good ,please use the second software .
  2. Restore V 3.13.0 utility software : use this software to repair Phison PS2251-50 controller .
  3. Also read this article , it will help you if the past software doesn't solve your problem "Download Silicon power formatter v 3.7 ps2251" .
  4. If these software solutions doesn't repair Phison PS2251-50 controller , please write the chip genius report of your USB flash drive in a comment and we will repair your flash disk .
  5. If you want to repair your USB stick Quickly , write a post here "Flash Drive Repair Forums ".

Now Download Phison PS2251-50 or Phison UP19 Software solutions 

Download Phison PS2251-50 or Phison UP19 Software solutions

Phison PS2251-50 Format tool Download


  1. thanks brother...............
    you are the best.......
    thank you.....

  2. Description: USB Mass Storage Device

    Protocal Version: USB 2.00
    Current Speed: High Speed

    USB Device ID: VID = 13FE PID = 0100

    Device Revision: 0110

    Chip Vendor: phison(??) <- Sorry, can't decide if the information is correct now.
    Chip Part-Number: unknown(???)

    Tools on web:

  3. Description: [H:]USB Mass Storage Device(2250 PRAM)
    Device Type: Mass Storage Device

    Protocal Version: USB 2.00
    Current Speed: High Speed
    Max Current: 50mA

    USB Device ID: VID = 13FE PID = 3100

    Device Name: 2250 PRAM
    Device Revision: 0110

    Product Model: 2250 PRAM
    Product Revision: 1.00

    Controller Vendor: Phison
    Controller Part-Number: PS2251-50(PS2250) - F/W 03.04.10 [2009-11-12]
    Flash ID code: 98DA90157614 - Toshiba TC58NVG1S3ETA00 [MLC-2K]

    Tools on web:

    Possible Flash Part-Number

    Flash ID mapping table
    [Channel 0] [Channel 1]

  4. Phison PS2251-54 is available or not.

  5. Description: [D:]Dispositivo de almacenamiento USB(2250 PRAM)
    Device Type: Mass Storage Device

    Protocal Version: USB 2.00
    Current Speed: High Speed
    Max Current: 50mA

    USB Device ID: VID = 13FE PID = 3100

    Device Name: 2250 PRAM
    Device Revision: 0110

    Product Model: 2250 PRAM
    Product Revision: 1.00

    Controller Vendor: Phison
    Controller Part-Number: PS2251-50(PS2250) - F/W 03.04.10 [2009-11-12]

    Tools on web:

  6. Description: USB Mass Storage Device(Kingston DT 100 G2)
    Device Type: Mass Storage Device

    Protocal Version: USB 2.00
    Current Speed: High Speed
    Max Current: 200mA

    USB Device ID: VID = 0951 PID = 1653
    Serial Number: 001D604F88B0BAB0C555004F

    Device Vendor: Kingston
    Device Name: DT 100 G2
    Device Revision: 0100

    Manufacturer: Kingston
    Product Model: DT 100 G2
    Product Revision: PMAP

    Controller Vendor: Phison
    Controller Part-Number: PS2251-50(PS2250) - F/W 03.03.10 [2010-06-01]
    Flash ID code: 8988244BA900 - Intel JS29F64G08AAME1 [MLC-8K]

    Tools on web:
