3S USB Mass Production Utility for repairing SSS6677, SSS6679, SSS6686, SSS6688, SSS6689, SSS6690, SSS6691, SSS6692 controller

3S USB Mass Production Utility for repairing SSS6677, SSS6679, SSS6686, SSS6688, SSS6689, SSS6690, SSS6691, SSS6692 controller

Download 3S USB Mass Production Utility and fix SSS6677, SSS6679, SSS6686, SSS6688, SSS6689, SSS6690, SSS6691, SSS6692 flash drive controller .Try it now , it's free

3S USB Mass Production Utility

3S USB Mass Production Utility is a great format tool .3S USB Mass Production Utility allows you to repair the following flash controller "SSS6677, SSS6679, SSS6686, SSS6688, SSS6689, SSS6690, SSS6691, SSS6692 ".If you have a flash drive and your chip vendor is one of the mentioned controllers ,you can use the software in this article .You must be sure that your flash chip vendor is SSS6677, SSS6679, SSS6686, SSS6688, SSS6689, SSS6690, SSS6691, SSS6692 .Use chip genius report software to detect your USB flash drive information .

USB flash drive chip genius report 

PnP Device ID: VID = ---- PID = ----
Serial Number: 56722D674DE3
Revision: 2.10
Device Type: Standard USB device - USB2.0 Full-Speed (USB1.1)
Chip Vendor: SSS
Chip Part-Number: SSS6677 or SSS6679 or SSS6686 or SSS6688 or SSS6689 or SSS6690 or SSS6691 or  SSS6692

How to repair 3S USB Flash drive  

3S USB Mass Production Utility for repairing SSS6677, SSS6679, SSS6686, SSS6688, SSS6689, SSS6690, SSS6691, SSS6692 controller3S USB Mass Production Utility for repairing SSS6677, SSS6679, SSS6686, SSS6688, SSS6689, SSS6690, SSS6691, SSS6692 controller
  1. Download 3S USB Mass Production Utility software (4 software for repairing 3s) .
  2. Insert your USB flash disk to your computer .
  3. Extract the software zipped file (contains 4 software ) then try every software until you fix your problem .
  4. If this software doesn't work with you , please leave a comment with your flash chip genius report or for Quick repair Quickly , write a post here "Flash Drive Repair Forums ".

Now Download 3S USB Mass Production Utility for repairing SSS6677, SSS6679, SSS6686, SSS6688, SSS6689, SSS6690, SSS6691, SSS6692 controller

Download 3S USB Mass Production Utility

3S USB Mass Production Utility

SSS USB Mass Production tool Download


  1. Volume: I:
    Controller: SSS 6691 B3
    Possible Memory Chip(s):
    Toshiba TC58NVG5D2ELA48
    Memory Type: MLC
    Flash ID: 98D79432 7654
    Flash CE: 1
    Flash Channels: Single
    VID: 0C76
    PID: 0005
    Manufacturer: GENERIC
    Product: USB Mass Storage
    Query Vendor ID: GENERIC
    Query Product ID: USB Mass Storage
    Query Product Revision: 1.00
    Physical Disk Capacity: 0 Bytes
    Windows Disk Capacity: 0 Bytes
    Internal Tags: 38AD-AAD3
    USB Version: 2.00
    Declared Power: 100 mA
    ContMeas ID: DAE9-01-00
    Microsoft Windows 8 x64

  2. help!!!!!
    Protocal Version: USB 2.00
    Current Speed: High Speed
    Max Current: 100mA

    USB Device ID: VID = 0951 PID = 1642

    Device Revision: 0100

    Manufacturer: Kingston
    Product Model: DT 101 G2
    Product Revision: 1.00

    Chip Vendor: Solid State Systems
    Chip Part-Number: SSS6697-B7

  3. help!!! you can send my gmail!

    Protocal Version: USB 2.00
    Current Speed: High Speed
    Max Current: 100mA

    USB Device ID: VID = 0951 PID = 1642

    Device Revision: 0100

    Manufacturer: Kingston
    Product Model: DT 101 G2
    Product Revision: 1.00

    Chip Vendor: Solid State Systems
    Chip Part-Number: SSS6697-B7

  4. hi

    i have to say that after i used this program to update my flash disk , i lost my flash disk completely and even its LED is not lighting and ofc the chip genius program is not giving me any information about chipset and ... anymore
    i need help to bring it back asap

    1. what was your flash drive chip genius report because i mention in this article "You must be sure that your flash chip vendor is SSS6677, SSS6679, SSS6686, SSS6688, SSS6689, SSS6690, SSS6691, SSS6692 " this software not work only with this chip vendor so don't bring any flash drive and use another software , so now you must remove the cover of your flash drive , then write the information on the small processor

  5. dear ashraaf

    could you support me with software for kingstone 8GB chip : sss 6696 H1-u6c throught my gmail

  6. Help Me!
    Protocal Version: USB 2.00
    Current Speed: High Speed
    Max Current: 100mA

    USB Device ID: VID = 0951 PID = 1643
    Serial Number: 001CC0EC347CFC51771C28E2

    Device Vendor: Kingston
    Device Name: DataTraveler G3
    Device Revision: 0100

    Manufacturer: Kingston
    Product Model: DataTraveler G3
    Product Revision: 1.00

    Chip Vendor: Solid State Systems
    Chip Part-Number: SSS6697-B7

  7. Hi I tested some utilities, now Windows won't recognize my flashdrive.

    This is a SSS6691-B3, with IM-25nm, MLC-8K 8GB drive. I can't find that combination anywhere. Please help...

    It is a Kingston DT 101 G2

    Description: [E:]USB Mass Storage Device(GENERIC USB Mass Storage)
    Device Type: Mass Storage Device

    Protocal Version: USB 2.00
    Current Speed: High Speed
    Max Current: 100mA

    USB Device ID: VID = 0C76 PID = 0005

    Device Vendor: GENERIC
    Device Name: USB Mass Storage
    Device Revision: 0100

    Manufacturer: GENERIC
    Product Model: USB Mass Storage
    Product Revision: 1.00

    Controller Vendor: Solid State Systems
    Controller Part-Number: SSS6691-B3
    Flash ID code: 8988244B - Intel JS29F64G08AAME1 - 1CE/Single Channel [MLC-8K] -> Total Capacity = 8GB

    Tools on web: http://dl.mydigit.net/special/up/sss.html

    Possible Flash Part-Number
    [1CE]JS29F64G08AAME1(25nm) x 1 pcs/Channel x 1 Channel

    Flash ID mapping table
    [Channel 0] [Channel 1]
    8988244BA900 --------
    -------- --------
    -------- --------
    -------- --------

  8. please help me
    Device Name: +[I:]+Generic USB Hub(Kingston DataTraveler 2.0 USB Device)
    PnP Device ID: VID = 8087 PID = 0020
    Serial Number: 5&&1544D146&&0&&1
    Revision: 1.00

    Device Type: Standard USB device - USB2.0 High-Speed

    Chip Vendor: (No match record)
    Chip Part-Number: (No match record)

    Product Vendor: Kingston
    Product Model: DataTraveler 2.0

    Tools on Web: (N/A)

  9. help me please ;(
    Volume: G:
    Controller: SSS 6691 B3
    Possible Memory Chip(s):
    Toshiba TC58NVG5D2ELA48 *2
    Memory Type: MLC
    Flash ID: 98D79432 7654
    Flash CE: 2
    Flash Channels: Single
    VID: 0C76
    PID: 0005
    Manufacturer: GENERIC
    Product: USB Mass Storage
    Query Vendor ID: GENERIC
    Query Product ID: USB Mass Storage
    Query Product Revision: 1.00
    Physical Disk Capacity: 0 Bytes
    Windows Disk Capacity: 0 Bytes
    Internal Tags: 38AH-AABY
    USB Version: 2.00
    Declared Power: 100 mA
    ContMeas ID: 3955-01-00
    Microsoft Windows XP SP3 Build 2600
    Program Version:

  10. please mail me sss6697-b7 format tool at sumitdas81@gmail.com

  11. HELP PLEASE... I need SSS6696-B9 format tool, please email me at aminawan42@gmail.com I also paste chip genius report here:


    Description: [J:]USB Mass Storage Device(Kingston DataTraveler 2.0)
    Device Type: Mass Storage Device

    Protocal Version: USB 2.00
    Current Speed: High Speed
    Max Current: 100mA

    USB Device ID: VID = 0951 PID = 1665
    Serial Number: 001CC0EC3467FD11C7075DFA

    Device Vendor: Kingston
    Device Name: DataTraveler 2.0
    Device Revision: 0100

    Manufacturer: Kingston
    Product Model: DataTraveler 2.0
    Product Revision: 1.00

    Controller Vendor: Solid State Systems
    Controller Part-Number: SSS6696-B9
    Flash ID code: ADDE94EB - Hynix H27UCG8T2BYR - 1CE/Single Channel [MLC-16K] -> Total Capacity = 8GB

    Tools on web: http://dl.mydigit.net/special/up/sss.html

    Possible Flash Part-Number
    [1CE]H27UCG8T2BLR x 1 pcs/Channel x 1 Channel
    [1CE]H27UCG8T2BYR x 1 pcs/Channel x 1 Channel

    Flash ID mapping table
    [Channel 0] [Channel 1]
    ADDE94EB7444 --------
    -------- --------
    -------- --------
    -------- --------

  12. Helpe me please
    Description: USB Mass Storage Device
    Device Type: Mass Storage Device

    Protocal Version: USB 2.00
    Current Speed: High Speed
    Max Current: 100mA

    USB Device ID: VID = 0C76 PID = 0005

    Device Vendor: GENERIC
    Device Name: USB Mass Storage
    Device Revision: 0100

    Controller Vendor: Solid State Systems
    Controller Part-Number: TC58NC6621/SSS6692-B5
    Flash ID code: 98DE9482 - Toshiba TC58NVG6D2GTA00 - 1CE/Single Channel [MLC-8K] -> Total Capacity = 8GB

    Tools on web: http://dl.mydigit.net/special/up/sss.html

    Possible Flash Part-Number
    [1CE]TC58NVG6D2GTA00(24nm) x 1 pcs/Channel x 1 Channel

    Flash ID mapping table
    [Channel 0] [Channel 1]
    98DE94827656 --------
    -------- --------
    -------- --------
    -------- --------

  13. Helpe me please
    Your comment will be visible after approval

  14. helpe me
    Description: [G:]USB Mass Storage Device(Multiple Card Reader)
    Device Type: Mass Storage Device

    Protocal Version: USB 2.00
    Current Speed: High Speed
    Max Current: 100mA

    USB Device ID: VID = 058F PID = 6366
    Serial Number: 058F63666438

    Device Vendor: Generic
    Device Name: Flash Card Reader/Writer
    Device Revision: 0100

    Manufacturer: Multiple
    Product Model: Card Reader
    Product Revision: 1.00

    Controller Vendor: Alcor
    Controller Part-Number: AU6366/AU6371

  15. Description: [L:]USB Mass Storage Device(GENERIC USB Mass Storage)
    Device Type: Mass Storage Device

    Protocal Version: USB 2.00
    Current Speed: High Speed
    Max Current: 100mA

    USB Device ID: VID = 0C76 PID = 0005

    Device Vendor: GENERIC
    Device Name: USB Mass Storage
    Device Revision: 0100

    Manufacturer: GENERIC
    Product Model: USB Mass Storage
    Product Revision: 1.00

    Controller Vendor: Solid State Systems
    Controller Part-Number: SSS6691-B3
    Flash ID code: 8988244B - Intel JS29F64G08AAME1 - 1CE/Single Channel [MLC-8K] -> Total Capacity = 8GB

    Tools on web: http://dl.mydigit.net/special/up/sss.html

    mye mail

  16. help me
    Device Vendor: GENERIC
    Device Name: USB Mass Storage
    Device Revision: 0100

    Manufacturer: GENERIC
    Product Model: USB Mass Storage
    Product Revision: 1.00

    Controller Vendor: Solid State Systems
    Controller Part-Number: Unknown - 0xBE

  17. Sir its not working

    Description: [H:]USB Mass Storage Device(GENERIC USB Mass Storage)
    Device Type: Mass Storage Device

    Protocal Version: USB 2.00
    Current Speed: High Speed
    Max Current: 100mA

    USB Device ID: VID = 0C76 PID = 0005

    Device Vendor: GENERIC
    Device Name: USB Mass Storage
    Device Revision: 0100

    Manufacturer: GENERIC
    Product Model: USB Mass Storage
    Product Revision: 1.00

    Controller Vendor: Solid State Systems
    Controller Part-Number: SSS6691-B3
    Flash ID code: 98D594327655 - Toshiba TH58NVG5D2ETA20 - 2CE/Single Channel [MLC-8K] -> Total Capacity = 4GB

    Tools on web: http://dl.mydigit.net/special/up/sss.html

    Possible Flash Part-Number
    [1CE]TC58NVG4D2ETA00(43nm) x 2 pcs/Channel x 1 Channel
    [2CE]TH58NVG5D2ETA20(43nm) x 1 pcs/Channel x 1 Channel

    Flash ID mapping table
    [Channel 0] [Channel 1]
    98D594327655 --------
    98D594327655 --------
    -------- --------
    -------- --------
