scan and test removable drives with flash tester free

flash tester,USB, Flash, Drive, Tester,bad,sectors,scan,fix,repair,corrupted,write,protected

Scan your corrupted usb flash drive now .You can testing your removable devices such as memory card ,mmc,cf and usb flash disk .Download free software now and test your usb flash drive sectors.

USB Flash Drive Tester

USB, Flash, Drive, Tester,bad,sectors,scan,fix,repair,corrupted,write,protected

Today we will explain another free software to test and repair corrupted usb flash drive sectors.Usb flash drive tester software allows to you to test any removable disk such as memory card , mmc,cf and usb flash drive .This program can perform speed scan for bad sectors in your removable disk.Another advantage of this software is you can determine fake sizes of usb flash drive .The different benefit in usb flash drive tester software is supporting windows vista .

How to use USB flash drive tester software ?

OK , first we will download the software in the bottom of the article then we explain how to use it .Just follow steps illustrated in next pictures .

Installation Process 
After Downloading USB flash drive tester software ,open it and follow this installation guide .

1-  Installation Steps
After downloading USB flash drive tester software open it to begin installation

 USB, Flash, Drive, Tester,bad,sectors,scan,fix,repair,corrupted,write,protected
 press next

USB, Flash, Drive, Tester,bad,sectors,scan,fix,repair,corrupted,write,protected 
 Choose installation folder or leave it as default ( will be in program files )

flash tester,USB, Flash, Drive, Tester,bad,sectors,scan,fix,repair,corrupted,write,protected
  Confirm installation by clicking next

flash tester,USB, Flash, Drive, Tester,bad,sectors,scan,fix,repair,corrupted,write,protected
  Now we finish installation of USB flash drive tester software , press close

  2- Testing Process steps

After installing USB flash drive tester software , now we will explain how to test your usb flash drive or memory card .

Caution : please you must make backup to your usb flash drive files because testing process will format your usb flash drive and you will lost all usb flash drive files .

To make backup to your usb flash drive files , read this article 

How to automatically backup usb flash drive ?

After Installing USB flash drive tester software , open it and plug in your usb flash drive to your computer, then follow these steps

 flash tester,USB, Flash, Drive, Tester,bad,sectors,scan,fix,repair,corrupted,write,protected
 This is the USB flash drive tester software interface

flash tester,USB, Flash, Drive, Tester,bad,sectors,scan,fix,repair,corrupted,write,protected
 Plug in your usb flash drive then make the following :
1- Press refresh  and choose your usb flash drive .
2- Select test type .
3- Start Test .
4- If you want to choose log file folder to see the final result after scanning your usb flash drive.

 flash tester,USB, Flash, Drive, Tester,bad,sectors,scan,fix,repair,corrupted,write,protected

Caution : This test will erase all exiting data on this flash drive / card . Do you want to continue .Press yes and begin testing process .

flash tester,USB, Flash, Drive, Tester,bad,sectors,scan,fix,repair,corrupted,write,protected 
Now USB flash drive tester software scanning your usb flash drive , please wait until finishing the test.
Important notices
Green color : good
Gray color : Untested area
Yellow color : Recoverable read error
Red Color : Fatal write error

 flash tester,USB, Flash, Drive, Tester,bad,sectors,scan,fix,repair,corrupted,write,protected
 Now USB flash drive tester software finish testing your usb flash drive 

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flash tester,download flash tester,scan flash drive,removable devices,mmc,cf,memory card,usb flash drive sectors, USB Flash Drive Tester
Download Info 

Program Name : Flash Tester

Program Version : 1.14
Os : Windows
License : Free

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